Sunday, March 13, 2011

Rosie O'Brien, Blog Assignment

Synthetic Genomics Inc. is an example of technological optimism. Here, scientists are researching and testing a brand new algae biofuels program in a greenhouse facility at the SGI headquarters in La Jolla, California.Click on the highlighted link to learn more.

Environmental Warning Example: Here are 2 amazing videos of children who spoke at the UN to warn our leaders about the future of the environment and they are calling for action. The first is of Severn Suzuki, also known as "The Girl who Silenced the World in 5 minutes", who spoke at a UN meeting on behalf of  her organization, environmental childrens organization (ECO) which is a group of 12-13 year olds dedicated to the protection of the environment. This video had resonated with many and has had over 4 million views.This kid is amazing and her speech sends a huge warning for the future that we create.

Above is another video of an inspirational kid, Felix Finkbeiner, who is a 13 year old tree ambassador. His organization is "Plant for the Planet" which is dedicated to planting millions of trees around the world. He spoke at a UN meeting and told our leaders and decision makers to "Stop Talking and Start Planting". Plant for Power is dedicated to empowering children to take control of their future by planting trees. There are 100,000 children participating in 91 countries with 3.5 million trees planted. Here is a link to the "Stop Talking and Start Planting" posters, which picture children covering the mouths of political leaders, celebrities (Gisele Bunchen, Harrison Ford) and many other influential powers. Learn more at

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